Sunday, October 10, 2010

A Difference

Hope and faith are similar.  For Hope in its essence is like faith in that they both involve trust or belief in God.

Faith is believing God in the here and now, each and every day.  It is built up as we look at our past as Christians and seeing the past and believing Jeremiah 29:11-13 is for today.  Faith is believing we came to the end of ourselves and couldn't do life alone anymore that we need help the rest of the way, and that the same is true today, and that today is everyday.

Hope is believes God will be just as faithful and more so (if that is possible!) in the days to come.

In a personal aside, I've been forcibly reminded this week of how many miracles take place in my life every day.  I was driving home from various things this week, after taking my sweetie of 46 years of marriage, to appointments and I realized how blessed I am at nearly 70 still being able to handle heavy city traffic.  I see better than most people my age, I hear and react better than most people my age and I exercise by walking, trotting or biking several miles a week and doing Pilates 3 days a week.  All of that helps along with eating correctly more than most, but I'm not perfect and I am totally blessed.  What a miracle that I'm healthy and able to take care of my sweetie who has trouble seeing, remembering and hearing.  It nearly blew me away when I thought of all the things I do and take for granted.  Yes, I take miracles for granted everyday!

The question came to mind if I want to take such blessings for granted.  The answer was an immediate, No, I do not!  Therefore, I'm much more conscious of taking what the Lord has given me as a total blessing each day.  I thank you Lord!


  1. Your level of activity puts me to shame, Mary. I need to post this to my refrigerator and write on it - "If Mary can do it, so can YOU." You are an inspiration.

  2. Wonderful blessings, Mary!
    Acceptance and gratitude do seem to lead to joy!

    Hmmm, I knew I didn't need to make that coconut cream pie last night...but must go off for a walk today!
